Bailey Chairs 4 Dogs – Canine Megaesophagus
Salvador the Italian Greyhound 8 month old puppy received his Bailey Chairs 4 Dogs to help him with Canine Megaesophagus. Canine Megaesophagus is a condition that renders the dogs esophagus useless – when Salvador eats, drinks or sleeps the things in his throat tend to get regurgitated back up. He has a hard time getting nutrients to his stomach and the lining in his throat can quickly get eroded away due to the acid that comes up as well. Luckily, there is a thing called the Bailey chair that he can sit it. It will allow him to sit upright when he feeds so gravity can take affect and everything can reach his stomach. He then will remain in the chair 30 minutes after feeding to ensure everything stays where it belongs.
Bailey chairs 4 dogs is a family run company that makes these amazing, high quality, customizable Bailey chairs for dogs with canine megaesophagus. We were lucky enough to receive one for Salvador! If you have a dog with k9 megaesophagus we highly recommend their chairs to help your pup battle the disease and live a ‘normal’ life! They make them for very small to very big dogs and everywhere between! What’s even better is that they take all the ‘profit’ and put it toward the cost of materials so they can donate a chairs to rescue dogs in need – like special Salvador – or to families that cannot afford them. You can also donate to their company and help a dog in need receive a chair so they too can eat and drink without getting sick and get the nutrients to their stomach, the donate link is right on their website 🙂
This is Salvador relaxing in his chair, taking this in!
They also sent this beautiful “I love a dog with Canine Megaesophagus’ bracelet! How cool!
When the Bailey chair came from Bailey Chairs 4 Dogs, it was tightly packed with the easiest instructions, predrilled holes, and all we needed was a screwdriver. 10 minutes later the boys put the bailey chair together and Salvador started to check out his chair!
Screws, hinges… it was so easy!
Ta-da! All done… so beautiful! They used a brown crocodile fabric pattern for it – we love it!
THANK YOU again, Bailey Chairs 4 Dogs!!